Lost teeth problems, possible solution Dental implants Brentwood!

Losing a tooth causes more than just a change to your aesthetic appearance. The implications of losing a tooth are far more serious than an embarrassing gap in the front row of teeth or difficulty chewing at the back. If a gap in your teeth occurs, you may find your other teeth ‘drifting’ to fill the gap. The gap may affect how you chew your food and may cause you to bite your tongue or the inside of your cheeks. You will also lose some of your jaw bone; this can be as much as 25% within the first year. The area of your face where the tooth has been lost will also start to fall inwards as the support from your jaw decreases. Dentures and bridges have been the solution for many years, but dental implants Brentwood offer a practical alternative. dental-implants-brentwood

Losing a tooth is a serious matter

Losing a tooth either by accident or tooth decay is a serious event, and while you may think that you can cope without it, a lot will happen over time as a result of the tooth loss. You only get one set of adult teeth; if you lose an adult tooth, it won’t grow back and will be lost forever. Losing a tooth can cause a domino effect, and if you don’t take immediate action, more may be lost. We at Coptfold Dental have been providing dental services to patients for over 50 years. Over this period, we have helped patients with dentures, bridges and now dental implants Brentwood.

Searching for a more permanent solution

Nature is a wonderful source of inspiration and always provides the best solutions to our problems. Since the 1950s, there had been ongoing development of a way to replace lost teeth such that the replacements mimicked natural teeth. Dental implants Brentwood has embraced the concept and the latest techniques. Your natural teeth are fixed into your jawbone by a root; therefore, it makes sense to provide a prosthetic tooth that works on the same principle. Dental science and technology have created and developed a viable and efficient dental solution.

A simple concept

The idea is straightforward: create a root and place a crown on top to produce tooth replacement. Of course, the process is more complicated, and technology plays a massive role. A small hole is drilled into the jawbone in precisely the right place where the previous tooth was located. A post made of titanium is then screwed into the hole; titanium is used because the body will naturally fuse to it, creating a strong, stable base. A temporary abutment is then placed onto the titanium post while you enter a healing period. During this time, your crown will be created, shaped and coloured to match your existing teeth. Once your mouth has healed, we will replace the temporary abutment with a permanent one and then fix your new crown on top. Your new tooth will be indiscernible from your natural teeth, your jawbone will not deteriorate, and your face will not sink because the support of your jawbone will have been restored.

One tooth or more

We can replace one tooth or four in a row using one single implant, or we can replace an entire mouthful of teeth with just four implants.

Back to normal

Once your mouth has healed completely, you will be able to return to your daily maintenance routine of brushing and flossing all your teeth, including your newly implanted crown.