Tooth loss

Tooth loss or missing teeth is a very common and ever-growing problem that affects almost everyone at some point in their life; it can make simple day-to-day activities such as eating and speaking feel uncomfortable or even painful, depending on the location of the missing teeth. Unfortunately, missing teeth have many causes which are often preventable through means of good oral hygiene, healthy eating habits, and regular visits to the dentist.

dental-implants-brentwoodWhat causes loss of teeth and what are the impacts?

There are many causes of tooth loss, majority of which are preventable or at least treatable before they fall out. The most common cause of tooth loss that we see at Coptfold Dental is Periodontal (gum) disease; this is caused by the infection and inflammation of the gums. Other causes of tooth loss can occur as a result of physical trauma which can occur during sports or in an accident, as a result of tooth decay which is caused by cavities that are left untreated, or through use of medication that are used to treat autoimmune diseases.

Loss of teeth can have many negative consequences, so it is best to speak to your dentist and have it treated as soon as possible. Missing teeth can cause you to experience a decline in self-confidence, while also causing facial muscle pain and speech problems. You may also find that you struggle to chew as your jaws may not align properly when you bite. Gaps can open the door to accumulation of plaque and food residue which increases your risk of developing cavities, tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Dental implants as a solution

Dental implants Brentwood offer a permanent solution to your missing teeth as it replaces the lost tooth root and acts as an anchor for dentures and crowns. Its end goal is to provide you with a natural looking set of teeth with no gaps, thus bringing back your smile and ability to eat. Dental implants Brentwood are titanium metal screws that are surgically fixed into your jawbone; the bone surrounding the implant then fuses to it, thereby permanently fixing it in place. Once this occurs, a denture, crown or bridge can be placed on top of it which restores the functioning of your teeth.

The process of getting dental implants

The first step of getting dental implants Brentwood involves a one-to-one consultation with your dentist to assess the condition of your teeth and to decide whether getting dental implants is a suitable option for you. Once this is established, the dentist will take an x-ray of your mouth in order to create a model of your existing teeth which will help them decide the precise locations of the implants. In cases where there is too much bone loss, the dentist may carry out a 3D scan to check whether you require a bone graft so that there is enough bone to fuse to the implant. Finally, the dental implant procedure will take place under local anaesthetic. The dentist will proceed to cut into your gum in order to drill a small hole into the jawbone. The dental implant is then inserted into the hole and the gum is stitched closed. Before a new denture or crown is placed onto the implant, your bone and gums will need some time to heal, however your dentist can offer you temporary teeth until the implant is ready to use.