What is dentophobia?

A phobia is usually defined as an overwhelming and/or irrational fear of an object, place, or animal. In cases of a severe phobia, you may find yourself organising your life in a way which avoids the thing that is causing you so much fear.


Dentophobia is defined as the severe fear of visiting the dentist. If you unfortunately suffer from this phobia, you may find yourself experiencing feelings of deep fear and anxiety when you think about or visit the dentist Brentwood, causing you to avoid it entirely even when you desperately require their help. The fear can sometimes lead to poor oral health as you may miss regular visits to the dentist to check for signs of oral disease or infection.

What is someone with dentophobia usually afraid of?

There are a variety of things that you may be afraid of if you suffer from dentophobia. These include, but are not limited to, the worry that the anaesthetic may fail, and you will feel the pain of the procedure you are undergoing. Another fear you may have is of blood that is associated with many dental procedures. A lot of people worry that they may choke or gag during a procedure or general check-up due to having fingers put deep into your mouth. You may associate negative thoughts and feelings with your dentist due to a bad experience in the past or stories you have heard from other people. Feeling pain is one of the most common reasons people fear visiting their dentist Brentwood even though the majority of dental procedures are not extremely painful and if they are, can be solved with anaesthetic during the procedure, and over the counter painkillers once the procedure is complete. People who fear needles and drilling noises may also show signs of dentophobia as these are highly common during a trip to the dentist Brentwood.

What solutions are available?

If you suffer from dentophobia, it is best to contact your dentist so you can discuss what options are available in making your visit a more relaxing and pleasant one. It is vital that you visit your dentist regularly in order to ensure your teeth are looked after properly, and for that reason we offer several forms of sedation at Coptfold Dental to make sure you feel looked after and at ease while the procedures take place.

The first type of sedation we offer is known as intravenous sedation which involves a sedative being injected into your bloodstream via an IV line so that you feel more relaxed during a procedure. The dosage of the sedative drug is controlled by your dentist or dental hygienist to ensure the levels remain safe.

The second form of sedation is known as inhalation sedation which is a suitable option for those who have a fear of needles. A small mask is placed over your nose and mouth and your dentist will ask you to breathe in the sedative which is a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. This form of treatment is designed to keep you awake yet at ease throughout the duration of your procedure.

Finally, the dentist can also prescribe you a sedative drug known as diazepam which works to treat severe forms of anxiety. This can only be obtained with a prescription, so be sure to arrange a prescription with your dentist prior to visiting them so you can take it before your appointment.