Why is it necessary to see the dentist every six months?

One of the most common piece of advice is to visit the dentist Brentwood twice a year. While many adults have heard this from the time they were young, few realise the actual importance of this dental obligation. dentist-brentwood

At Coptfold Dental, we have friendly dental professionals who care about quality dental care. Our dentist Brentwood favours a patient-centric approach to dental care – one based on open and honest communication and patient education so that each patient has all the relevant information to make the best choices for their dental health.

What happens during a dental appointment?

Most people are familiar with the role of a dentist Brentwood in treating poor oral health issues. This is perhaps because many patients only sit in the dental chair when they have a problem with their teeth or gums.

Dentists play another equally important role; in helping to prevent dental problems from occurring in the first place. This is one of the most beneficial reasons not to skip out on the bi-annual check-up appointments.

Like many other types of diseases, the dental disease starts off with red flags or minor symptoms that point to a growing problem. At a routine dental check-up, one of the responsibilities of the dentist is to examine the mouth carefully to identify these red flags.

Once these symptoms are identified, the next step is to put preventive measures in place to thwart the problem from advancing to cause bigger problems.

Far from a waste of time, patients should know that tackling minor dental symptoms can save them time and money in the long run. Preventive dental measures cost relatively less than treating dental diseases in advanced stages. The treatment plans are also of shorter duration and require less visits to the dental chair.

Patients who visit the dentist regularly are also less likely to have to endure the pain and discomfort of dental emergencies.

If more reason is needed to motivate a trip to the dentist, just think about the impact of a dental disease on your lovely smile. The loss of a smile is no minor matter as the drop in self-confidence can have negative consequences that reduce the quality of life.

It is not only visiting to the doctor for health check-ups that promote longevity; dental check-ups play their part too. An examination of teeth and gums can reveal quite a bit about the state of your general health.

Signs of dental disease like gum disease spells bad news for oral health but also for, surprisingly, cardiovascular and respiratory health too. There is scientific evidence that the bacteria responsible for causing gum disease can also lead to serious health problems in the heart and lungs.

These bacteria land up in the bloodstream where they make their way to the vessels in the heart and lungs causing blood clots and triggering inflammation. Scientists have found that patients with advanced stages of gum disease are more at risk of suffering from potentially fatal complications including strokes, heart attacks and pneumonia.

If there is one health check that should not be missed, it is the dental check-up. For more information on how dental check-ups can protect your health or to have your oral health checked, please give us a call at Coptfold Dental to arrange an appointment with our dentist.