Your vital need to visit a dentist

We are all aware of the importance of keeping the highest possible oral health and hygiene standards, as this will keep our teeth and gums robust enough to hopefully last our entire lifetime. Many of us will clean our teeth twice a day with a toothbrush as a way to promote higher standards of oral hygiene in our mouths. We usually do this once in the morning after eating breakfast and once in the evening before retiring to bed, as this is one way that we can fight the negative effects of the acids and sugars found in some of the food we eat upon our teeth. dentist-brentwood

While we should all seek to maintain a strong oral cleaning routine within our daily lives this is not the only tool we can use in our struggle to maintain our oral health standards, as there will always be times when seeking professional help and advice may be of advantage to us. If we are to access the professional services we may need to help us to maintain our oral hygiene standards at a satisfactory level, we must all seek to engage with a dentist Brentwood. We can do this by making sure we are a registered patient who attends the dental practice on a regular basis to undergo our oral health check-ups and to receive any treatment we may require.

At Coptfold Dental we want to encourage the community that surrounds us to engage with our dental practice as a way to improve their oral health and hygiene standards, if we each do so we will all play our parts in improving the oral health standards within the community that we live in and serve.

Improve your family’s oral hygiene standards

As a dentist Brentwood we know that many parents have concerns about finding the best ways to help encourage their children to look after their teeth and gums. It is crucial to teach them about the importance of cleaning their teeth and it is also vital to register children with a dental practice. However, many parents struggle with the question of what age you introduce a child to a dental practice.

When it comes to introducing your child to the professionals and treatments that are available to help them look after their teeth and gums, then it may be best not to use age as your guide. It may be better to ask how well your child understands the need to look after their teeth and to visit the dental specialists who can help them to achieve the best possible oral health standards. As their parents you are the people who know your children in the greatest detail, we would advise you to trust your own judgement as you will know when your child is ready to visit the dental practice for the first time.

A child’s first visit

When you bring your child to the practice for the first time they may appear nervous as they are entering a strange and unfamiliar environment. Our staff will go to great lengths to make your children feel at ease before they sit in the dental seat for the first time, as we want them to have a positive experience on their first visit to our dentist Brentwood.