Would you like to improve your smile with our dentist in Brentwood?

A person’s smile is one of the first things we notice when we meet someone for the first time. For some of us, our smile may not be our best asset, and we may have dental imperfections, which means we may feel self-conscious or do not smile as much.


There are, however, solutions in the form of cosmetic dental treatments, which can assist you in improving the look of your teeth and having a better smile. So if you are based in Brentwood and would like to invest in cosmetic dental treatment, visit our team at Coptfold Dental, where we offer high-quality cosmetic dental treatments for our patients.

An introduction to our practice

Established over 50 years ago, we at Coptfold Dental believe in providing modern and high-quality treatments to our patients, using the latest in dental techniques and technologies to ensure that your experience with us is always a positive one.

Led by Dr Himesh Patel, our team of experienced dental professionals believe that our patients’ oral health is paramount, which is why not only do we offer a wide range of dental solutions, but we are also focused on promoting preventive measures for your teeth to remain healthy for longer.

If your main concern is the appearance of your teeth and smile, a cosmetic dental treatment option you may want to consider is teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening at Coptfold Dental

Teeth whitening is a safe and effective cosmetic dental treatment that can instantly improve the appearance of your teeth and smile.

If you decide to have this treatment done at our practice, our dentist in Brentwood will assess the level of staining you have on your teeth. Following this, you will be given a set of trays that will be custom-made to fit comfortably over your teeth. To begin the teeth whitening process, a bleaching agent will be inserted into each tray, and this agent will transfer onto your teeth when you wear the trays. The results of this treatment will be visible instantly, and you can expect to see your teeth several shades lighter than before the treatment.

If you are looking for a more gradual way to whiten your teeth, you may want to opt for an at-home whitening kit, which allows you to wear your trays either overnight or for a few hours during the day.

If you are unsure as to what dental treatment you want but your aim is to improve your smile, we can offer you what we refer to as a smile makeover.

Smile makeover at Coptfold Dental

For a smile makeover, you will first be invited to our practice to speak with our experienced cosmetic dentist in Brentwood. This will give us a better understanding of your dental concerns and overall goals. Our dentist in Brentwood will examine your teeth, taking photos and x-rays where necessary before discussing the most suitable treatment options for you. Once agreed upon, a treatment plan will be created for you, and a date will be given for you to start your treatment.